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- Status:broken up▼Callsign:JTMF1891-LASCAR, Built VASKAPU class single screw sea-going steam freighter #252 Wigham Richardson & Co. Ltd. Newcastle GBRL:79,2m B:11,0m MP:525 LE ▼
Length overall: 79,2 m Extrem breadth: 11,0 m Depth: 6,0 m DWT: 1737 GRT: 1065 Main engine type: Triplex Cy.3 steam Output of main engine: 525 LE 1891-LASCAR, G. Tweedy & Co., London, GBR1893-LASCAR, London Steamers Co., London, GBR1897-VASKAPU, Hungarian Levant Steamship Co. Ltd. Fiume AH1903-illegally transported explosives (dimamite) for Turkey blew up, damaged ship sold to Russian owners.1904-VESTA, Russian S.S. Nav. & Trading Co., Odessa, RU1924-IN-EUNU, Sadik Zade Freres & Co, Constantinopol, TR1932-INÖNÜ, Sadik Zade Freres & Co., Istanbul, TR1933-TAS, Sosyete Vapurculuk, Istanbul, TR1936-TAS, Devlet Denizyollary Isletmesi, Istanbul, TR1937-TAS, Deniz Bank Umum Mudenlugu, Istanbul, TR1939-TAS, Devlet Denizyollari Isletmesi Umum Mudurlugu, Istanbul, TR1941-TUNG, Devlet Denizyollari Isletmesi Umum Mudurlugu, Istanbul, TR1944-TUNG, Devlet Denizyollari Isletmesi ve Limandari, Istanbul, TR1948-laid up.1949-broken up at Istanbul.