Hajóregiszter logó
Dear Visitor

The database of the Virtual Hungarian Shipregister and most of the visual materials placed in it are in copyright.

Purpose of the Hungarian Shipregister’s database is to disseminate general knowledge and information. It is a shipping history collection that stems from various (sometimes contradictionary) historical sources, publications, memories, and from data either publicly available or at certain cases provided by ship owners. Therefore the content of the Hungarian Shipregister cannot be considered as Authentical Records. Historical and technical data published on the website may contain inaccuracies, they bear no probative value in legal procedures. For official information please turn to entities operating ships or to authorities!

Visual materials (photos, drawings, etc.) on this web site have been made available for private use only. For these purposes, you may reproduce (print, make copies, or download) materials from this web site without prior permission, on the condition that you provide proper attribution of the source in all copies (see below). Although we don't require you to contact us in advance for these purposes, we do appreciate hearing from those who are using our resources (send e-mail to the editors at For other uses of materials from this web site -- i.e., commercial products, publication, broadcast, mirroring, and anything else that doesn't fall under "private use" -- we require that you contact us ( in advance for permission to reproduce. Please read on for more information.

Reproduction of Images

Reproductions of material from the Hungarian Shipregister may be made only for private use (eg. in the research, teaching, or private study of the recipient of the reproduction). They may not be made for or donated to other repositories by the recipient. They may not be further reproduced without permission. The recipient agrees to give proper acknowledgement to the Hungarian Shipregister, and further agrees to secure permission in advance from the Hungarian Shipregister to publish or broadcast any item, in whole or in part, from its collections. This permission may be granted in so far, and only in so far, as the rights of the Hungarian Shipregister is concerned. Persons wishing to broadcast or publish this material must assume all responsibility for identifying and satisfying any claimants of literary property rights or copyrights. The recipient agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Hungarian Shipregister, its editors, contributors and supporters from and against all suits, claims, actions and expenses arising out of the use of reproductions provided by the Hungarian Shipregister.

How to obtain permission to reproduce materials from the Hungarian Shipregister.

Due to the varying nature of the collections held by the Hungarian Shipregister, each collection may have different copyright or other reproduction restrictions placed on it. If you would like to reproduce materials from our collections in a way that does not fall under private use, please contact us (, specifying what materials you are interested in, and we will be able to inform you of any reproduction restrictions on a case-by-case basis. In some cases, we may be able to supply you with publication-quality slides or scanned images of the items you are requesting, so if you are interested in using materials in this format, please let us know.

How to refer to materials from the Hungarian Shipregister

When using materials from the Hungarian Shipregister, please acknowledge their source by clearly stating the name of the photographer, primary source or collector under which you found the materials and our home page (i.e., photo: Harmath István, collection: Horváth József, source: Hungarian Shipregister). Please also specify the URL (web address) of the page ( , ).

Database protection

We draw all of our visitors attention to the fact that the database of the Hungarian Shipregister is the property of the Association for Hungarian Shipping and it is protected by the LXXVI. Hungarian Copyright Law. Users/visitors are not entitled to publish, reproduce, electronically store or commercially use the database or parts thereof. In case of illegal use of the database legal steps shall be initiated by the Association.